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Gradarius didn't just ask for an answer, it asked for the working and the idea as to how we solved the question. This helped to understand things much better
Ahmed Hassan
Student at University of Illinois Chicago
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Gradarius noticeably increased the effectiveness of my homework exercises. It checks every step of your progress and tells you when you accomplish an essential step or when you make a simple error
George Douglas Price
Engineering Major at Stevens Institute of Technology
Defining Limits Using Limit Notation (LIM-1.A and LIM-1.B)
Estimating Limit Values from Graphs and Tables (LIM-1.C)
Determining Limits Using Algebraic Properties of Limits (LIM-1.D)
Determining Limits Using Algebraic Manipulation and Squeeze Theorem (LIM-1.E)
Exploring Types of Discontinuities Defining Continuity at a Point (LIM-2.A)
Confirming Continuity over an Interval (LIM-2.B)
Removing Discontinuities (LIM-2.C)
Connecting Infinite Limits and Vertical & Horizontal Asymptotes (LIM-2.D)
Explain the behavior of a function on an interval using the Intermediate Value Theorem (FUN-1.A)
Determining Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change at a Point (CHA-2.A and CHA-2.B)
Defining the Derivative of a Function and Using Derivative Notation (CHA-2.B and CHA-2.C)
Estimating Derivatives of a Function at a Point (CHA-2.D)
Connecting Differentiability and Continuity: Determining When Derivatives Do and Do Not Exist (FUN-2.A.)
Applying the Power Rule and Derivative Rules: Constant, Sum, Difference, and Constant Multiple (FUN-3.A.)
The Product and Quotient Rules (FUN-3.B)
Derivatives of cos x, sin x, e^x, and ln x and Finding the Derivative of Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and/or Cosecant Functions (FUN-3.A, LIM-3.A. and FUN-3.B)
The Chain Rule (FUN-3.C)
Implicit Differentiation (FUN-3.D)
Differentiating Inverse Functions (FUN-3.E)
Calculating Higher-Order Derivatives (FUN-3.F)
Interpreting the Meaning of the Derivative in Context (CHA-3.A)
Straight-Line Motion: Connecting Position, Velocity, and Acceleration (CH-3.B)
Rates of Change in Applied Contexts Other Than Motion (CHA-3.C)
Introduction to Related Rates and Solving Related Rates Problems (CHA-3.D and CHA-3.E)
Approximating Values of a Function Using Local Linearity and Linearization (CHA-3.F)
Using L’Hospital’s Rule for Determining Limits of Indeterminate Forms (LIM-4.A)
Using the Mean Value Theorem (FUN-1.B)
Extreme Value Theorem, Global Versus Local Extrema, and Critical Points (FUN-1.C)
Determining Intervals on Which a Function Is Increasing or Decreasing (FUN-4.A)
Using the First Derivative Test to Determine Relative (Local) Extrema (FUN-4.A)
Using the Candidates Test to Determine Absolute (Global) Extrema (FUN-4.A)
Determining Concavity of Functions over Their Domains (FUN-4.A)
Using the Second Derivative Test to Determine Extrema (FUN-4.A)
Sketching Graphs of Functions and Their Derivatives and Connecting a Function, Its First Derivative, and Its Second Derivative (FUN-4.A)
Introduction to Optimization Problems (FUN-4.B)
Exploring Accumulations of Change (CHA-4.A)
Approximating Areas with Riemann Sums (LIM-5.A)
Riemann Sums, Summation Notation, and Definite Integral Notation (LIM-5.B, LIM-5.C)
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Accumulation Functions (FUN-5.A)
Interpreting the Behavior of Accumulation Functions Involving Area (FUN-5.A)
Applying Properties of Definite Integrals (FUN-6.A)
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Definite Integrals (FUN-6.B)
Finding Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals: Basic Rules and Notation (FUN-6.C)
Integrating Using Substitution (FUN-6.D)
Integrating Functions Using Long Division and Completing the Square (FUN-6.D)
Modeling Situations with Differential Equations (FUN-7.A)
Verifying Solutions for Differential Equations (FUN-7.B)
Sketching Slope Fields (FUN-7.C)
Reasoning Using Slope Fields (FUN-7.C)
Finding General Solutions Using Separation of Variables (FUN-7.D)
Finding Particular Solutions Using Initial Conditions and Separation of Variables (FUN-7.E)
Exponential Models with Differential Equations (FUN-7.F)
Find the Average Value of a Function on an Interval (CHA-4.B)
Connecting Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Functions Using Integrals (CHA-4.C)
Using Accumulation Functions and Definite Integrals in Applied Context (CHA-4.D)
Finding the Area Between Curves Expressed as Functions of x (CHA-4.E)
Find the Area Between Curves Expressed as Functions of y (CHA-5.)
Finding the Area Between Curves That Intersect at More than Two Points
Volumes with Cross Sections: Squares and Rectangles
Volumes with Cross Sections: Triangles and Semicircles
Volumes with Disc Method: Revolving Around the x- or y-axis
Volumes with Washer Method: Revolving Around the x- or y-axis
Volumes with Washer Method: Revolving Around Other Axes
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